Limited Scope Representation


Whether you need a little help or a lot.  Regardless of where you are in your divorce or family law case hiring an attorney for divorce consultation (also known as Limited Scope Representation, Legal Consulting or Legal Coaching) has the following benefits:

  • Useful when only one spouse is participating in the divorce.

  • Flexibility to have access to legal advise, support and services when an how you need them.

  • Retaining control over your case.  You decide how little or how much help you need.

  • Upfront, transparent pricing and reduced legal fees. Your fee is  determined after we agree on the level of service you need.  No more, no less.  With the flexibility to add services as your needs change.

A Divorce and Family Law Consultation can provide the following services:

  • Prepare, file, or assist in the preparation of legal documents.

  • Advise you on the legal processes and procedures involved in your particular case.

  • Prepare you for court hearings and appearances.

  • Answer legal questions.

Legal Document Preparation

We can take the agreements you and your spouse have come to on your own or the memorandum of understanding prepared by  another mediator and draft your separation agreement that will be filed, and submitted to court at your final hearing.  Have the assurance that your legal document is drafted properly by a family law attorney.  

Additional Document Preparation Services for Self-Represented Parties:

  • Divorce Summons and Complaint

  • Custody and Visitation Application

  • Financial Affidavits

  • Child Support Guidelines

  • Parenting Plan

  • All documents needed at the time of your final hearing

  • Motions